I Wonder About....
I Wonder About....
The I Wonder series gives young readers answers to the BIG questions they have about Islam in brilliant little books.
“Perfect fodder for inquisitive young minds… and their parents’, too! A conversation with Ozkan Oze is an enjoyable one indeed”
I Wonder about Allah Book 1
About the story- Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wanted to ask where Allah lives, or why you can’t see Him? How He managed to create everything and why all of creation obeys Him. These questions, and many more, are explored inside.
I Wonder about Allah Book 2
About the story- Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wanted to ask why Allah created the universe and humans? Why some people are beautiful, ugly, disabled, or ill? These questions, and many more, are explored inside.
I Wonder about the Quran
Have you ever wondered why the Qur’an is in Arabic, why it was revealed over 23 years or how people can be so sure it has never been changed? All of this, and much more, is explored inside.
I Wonder About the Prophet
Have you ever wondered what the Prophet Muhammad believed before he became a prophet, why he is so important, or why he is praised so often? You might wonder how he treated animals and children or if he performed miracles. All of these questions, and many more, are explored inside