Miracles of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Miracles of Prophet Muhammad SAW
The first prophet was Adam AS and the seal of all prophets
was Muhammed SAW. With this messenger-ship, Islam was
perfected. Our Nabi SAW did not go to any school or place
to study. He lived amongst the ignorant Arabs. He was an
orphan, but the language he used and words of wisdom
that he spoke, no human being could match it, because
he was chosen by Allah. His akhlaaq and manners were so
truthful that people called him Al ameen, the truthful. We are
going to speak about the miracles of our Nabi SAW. Some
Ulama say that his miracles matched almost 3000. Children,
that is alot of miracles, indeed. Do you know that our Nabi
SAW name was written on the arsh? That is Allahs throne, long
before even the creation of Adam AS. An interesting fact is
that our Nabi SAW was the first hafidh ever. Subhanallah.